Secret AdSense Tips and Tricks

Posted by Unknown | 9:47 AM | | 0 comments »

Well… ’secret’. There really aren’t many secrets to AdSense, just common sense and testing. There are plenty of places out there that spit out how to make more money with AdSense. Most just say ‘use more ad blocks!’ or ‘go with the adlinks!’, well, I’m here to diffuse all of that non-sense and give some real, hard-core advice.

Blend ads
Can lower ecpm if blended too well, otherwise will increase CTR and eCPM. What do I mean by blend the ads? Try using the same link color as the title and possible the URL. However, don’t change everything around it to look like Google ads — many sites get in trouble with this. You see some sites which have a sidebar, Google adlinks at the top then below it regular links with exactly the same font-size, font-family, etc. That is a huge mistake. Just use the same colors. We want to increase awareness, but we still want the visitors to realize they are ads and leaving the site.
Use complimentary colors
Yeah, it isn’t entirely blending the ads, but it makes the ads show out just enough to show visitors they are ads, but since they are complimentary they don’t look horrible. For some sites this will work better than total blending.
Medium and large rectangles work great
The 300×250 is my favorite. Why? It shows videos, image ads, CPM ads and of course, regular contextual ads. Not only this, I can easily embed them into articles. It looks great along side articles I don’t have pictures for and will target much better than those on the side of the page.
Turn on image ads
From experience image ads have a higher eCPM. Although the CTR is lower, that doesn’t matter in the end.
A page that reviews something will give more eCPM
Why? Because people who read reviews are people looking to buy. Of course, in most cases people who write reviews are in a better situation if they use affiliates instead.
Too many ads will lower eCPM
There are only so many high paying ads and the highest show at the top of the HTML. And not only that, you will lose visitors because of too many ads (I’m talking, more ads than content) and will lose a ton of money in the end. Just play it safe, place a few AdSense ads per page.
Horizontal link units work well in right place
A lot of people say using the link directly below horizontal navigation or your site banner works great. I haven’t personally tried this, but they say it works out great.
Remove low performing pages
They can be triggering smart pricing, which means a lower eCPM on pages which perform well, which equals lower overall end earnings.
Place most important AdSense ad highest in HTML
Although already slightly touched on, this is very important. Since Google media bot only reads pure HTML, it can’t understand page structure of CSS. This means it doesn’t matter where on the page the ad shows up, just where in the HTML the code is placed. And since Google places the highest paying ads (best performing on your site) the very first, it is important to keep this in mind.
Use h1s, h2s, title tags
Google uses these as a great part of its algorithm in displaying ads. Of course, if you don’t use these already you need to slap your web developer. These are the most important tags on any web page and will substantially increase your rankings in search engines.
Have a ton of content? Place an Ad block below it
This works great for long articles. Generally after reading a piece, readers want to know where to go next. If there is an ad targeted to their interest (which there should be with AdSense) they are more likely to read and buy what the ad has to say.
Test, test, test
I can’t stress this enough. No one can tell you exactly what will work for your site. The only thing you can do is test, test and test again. Who knows, maybe your site is the one in a million that works better using some obscure ad style no one else does well with. You’ll never know unless you try.

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